Additional items needed list
NOTE: I will supply you with your birthing kit as well as lend you my birth tub if you desire a water birth
Depends diapers for first couple of days and then overnight pads
Hydrogen Peroxide, for any spills on carpets etc
5-7 regular sized towels, two washcloths
Extra mattress protector
Food you can eat during labor​
Small container of olive oil in birthing space for massage and ease of meconium clean up
How to make your bed during labor:
Keep your mattress protector on and your set of sheets. Then add another mattress protector and another set of sheets. You can do this before labor starts too.
I will provide you with your birth kit, it will include a trash bag for birth trash, chux pads, a waterproof pad, gauze pads, bendy straw, peri bottle, postpartum tea, herbal bath, moontime magic (after ease tincture) and a rice congee kit.
Items needed for a water birth
Water birth Kit- This kit has a birthing tub liner, a hose adapter and hose. This comes with a 25 foot hose. If your water source is farther away, you may have to replace this hose with a 50 ft hose. Make sure the hose will reach the bottom of the birthing tub. ​
Biotics oral vitamin K drops if you would like to give your baby oral vitamin K drops, you can order this at the same time as water birth supplies​​
Something to protect your carpet/floors, preferably something that isn't too loud to walk on or slippery
Don’t forget to turn up your water heater at the onset of labor!